Sky Net


my small brother AI chat

my small brother AI chat

a few panoramas from the construction site

a few panoramas from the construction site    

Flying over MTLCity

a little bit of a picture in motion: and a separate photo:

Panoramic photo from the main plot

One more photo from the main plot. Of course, the descendants of monkeys will never be able to enjoy the view from such a height but […]

Enclave panoramic

I took some panoramic photos over the enclave. It’s warm, there’s a lot of space for flights. I like that.    

Прогулка по участку MTL-City

Снял ещё одно видео, которое, думаю, будет интересно не только землевладельцам MTL-City, первого поселения Монтелиберо, но и всем участникам движения, а также его фанатам, спонсорам, сочувствующим […]

Road to MTL-City

Today they asked me to fly over the road. The exact route was not specified, I was flying on my own.